2017 week 4, Jan. 2-7
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Thursday, January 5
Newtown 43, Masuk 17

Newtown 43, Masuk 17
At Newtown
182: Joe Accousti (N) pin CJ Zaccagnini 0:49; 195 : Justin Scianna (M) pin Doug Carriero 1:52; 220: Tom Long (N) pin Rob Krajewski 1:39; 285: Tim Kwochka (M) dec Joe Zeller 9-6; 106: Fritz Maurath (N) forfeit ; 113: Evan Rooney (N) pin Luke LaRiviere 0:35; 120: Mike Fedorko (M) dec Aidan Occhipinti 4-3; 126: Tore Gambino (M) tech fall Justin Bogdanoff 15-0; 132: no match; 138: Aaron Occhipinti (N) dec. Curtis Fedorko 8-0; 145: Owen Walsh (N) dec Jason Lobdell 5-1; 152: Ed Lovely (N) pin Brendon Attah 0:08; 160: Alex Stavola (N) forfeit; 170: no match
Records: Masuk 10-5

Wednesday, January 4
Avon 48, Glastonbury 33
Branford 72, Cheshire 12
Bristol Central 42, Conard 39
Bristol Eastern 63, Plainville 7
Brookfield 32, Notre Dame-WH 30
Danbury 68, Fairfield Ludlowe 12
East Hartford 45, Wethersfield 29
East Windsor 51, Coventry 21
Ellis Tech 71, Portland 12
Foran 47, Jonathan Law 27
Gilbert 54, Notre Dame-West Haven 18
Granby 41, Canton 33
Greenwich 34, New Canaan 31
Guilford 43, East Haven 30
Hand 54, Amity 12
Hall 53, Newington 19
John Jay (Cross River NY) 42, Fairfield Warde 30
Ledyard 38, Killingly 22
Middletown 54, Maloney 28
Montville 60, Lyman Memorial/Windham Tech 15
New Fairfield 61, Weston 18
New London 47, Fitch 30
New Milford 76, Bunnell 6
NFA 54, Bacon Academy 27
Northwestern 54, Derby 24
Platt High 45, Berlin 28
Pomperaug 42, Joel Barlow/Immaculate 39
RHAM 58, E.O. Smith 21
Ridgefield 40, Norwalk 34
Rocky Hill 48, Nonnewaug 36
Southington 68, Farmington 12
Stamford 76, Darien 6
Stratford 42, Bethel 34
St. Paul 34, Oxford 33, criteria (most matches won, 7-6)
Simsbury 51, New Britain 21
Suffield 39, Somers 21
Terryville 45, Morgan 21
Terryville 72, Thomaston/Holy Cross/Litchfield 12
Trumbull 58, Staples 15
Westhill 45, Wilton 27
Windham 67, Waterford 11
Xavier 66, Fairfield Prep 9

East Lyme at Woodstock Academy
Griswold at St. Bernard/Norwich Tech
Windsor at Rockville

Danbury 68, Fairfield Ludlowe 12
At Danbury 
106 Max Lynch (D) win by injury default over Jacob Pressler; 113 Ryan Jack (D) pin Antonio Nicholas, 2:31; 120 Ben Leblanc (D) pin Michael Parent, 0:50; 126 Jacob Camacho (D) pin Zach Taylor, 0:48; 132 Skyler Kwok (L) pin Johnny Estevez, 0:49; 138 Javon Priar (D) pin Sebastian Bastos-Neto, 0:29; 145 Shaun Williams (D) dec. Justin Hathaway, 12-3; 152 Alan Kovacs (D) dec. Thomas Murray, 13-1; 160 Gino Baratta (D) pin Tad Godlewski, 5:20; 170 Dominick Mastro (L) pin Eric Rocha, 3:59; 182 Montez Osbey (D) forfeit; 195 Jake Constantine (D) pin Matt Smith, 1:54; 220 Andrew Marquis (D) pin Jeff Beauvais, 0:58; 285 Michael Gaboardi (D) forfeit
Records: Fairfield Ludlowe 5-2, Danbury 6-0

Ledyard 38, Killingly 22
At Ledyard
152- Turner (K) dec Crawford (L) 6-2; 160- Millbach (L) pin Ferraj (K) 3:44; 170- Caffery (K) dec Crader (L) 6-4; 182- Sullivan (L) dec Gosselin (K) 8-3; 195- Christians (L) pin Bernier (K) 5:52
220- Contino (L) forfeit; 285- Mullaney (L) pin Postell (K) 3:46; 106- D. Charron (K) dec Millbach (L) 17-5; 113- M. Charron (K) dec Milller (L) 11-4; 120- Ngyuen (L) dec DA. Charron (K) 9-3; 126- Graziano (L) dec Johnson (K) 15-4; 132- Burdick (K) pin Dirico (L) 3:20; 138-Burgess (K) dec Williamson (L) 5-0; 145- Vanase (L) dec MA. Charron (K) 16-4
Records: Ledyard 10-2; Killingly 10-3

Foran 47, Jonathan Law 27
At Milford (Law)
145 Luth (F) pin Acorda (L) 1:47; 152 Ross (F) pin Pincus-Coyle (L) 1:16; 160 Bannon (F) pin Brennan (L) 1:53; 170 U. Khan (F) pin Gorman (L) 2:45; 182 Q. Khan (F) pin Spangler (L) 1:25; 195 Egersheim (L) pin Zavaglia (F) 1:53; 220 Brocksam (L) pin Vella (F) 0:28; 285 Furtado (L) pin Debase (F) 3:21; 106 Giordano (F) pin T. McCourt (L) 3:29; 113 Anderson (L) pin Jordan (F) 0:44; 120 Lang (F) tech fall Deloris (L) 18-3; 126 Mauro (F) dec. S. McCourt (L) 10-7; 132 Moretti (F) dec. Rodriguez (L) 5-1; 138 Giontomidis (L) dec. Panzella (F) 7-3
Records: Foran 10-2

Windham 67, Waterford 11
At Waterford
145: Danny Castro (Win) over Dj Lima, 4:56; 152: Luis Torres (Win) pin Jasiah Callender, 1:40; 160: Victor Garcia (Win) pin Ali Abulajja, 6:55 OT; 170: Angel Otero (Win) pin Logan Geruritz, 3:09; 182: Dante Piccione (Wat) pin Alec Martinez, 5:49; 195: Kyle Graham (Win) forfeit; 220: Xavier Torres (Win) forfeit; 285: Jaden Malave (Win) forfeit; 106: Logan Smith (Wat) tech fall Elijah Vertefeuille, 17-0, 4:59; 113: Alejandro Garcia (Win) pin Erick Zane, 3:15; 120: Kevin Fantoli (Win) dec. Aj Sachatello, 14-3; 126: Seb Stultz (Win) pin Donny Mellon, 1:48; 132: Chantz Stultz (Win) pin Josh Rouisse, 5:52; 138: Jose Trujillo (Win) dec. Luther Wade, 6-4
Records: Windham 11-0; Waterford 6-6

Pomperaug 42, Joel Barlow/Immaculate 39
At Southbury
138 Dan Germain (P) pin Gab Ortiz (JBI) 5:14; 145 Jake Sarno (P) forfeit ; 152 Matt Pangle (P) pin Ben Coppock (JBI) 5:00 ; 160 Tim Cocchiola (P) pin Mike Klein Wassink (JBI) 5:02 ; 170 Nick Garoffolo (JBI) pin Greg Gulick (P) 2:17 ; 182 Trenton Andreoli (JBI) pin Garrett Ulianol (P) 1:11 ; 195 Ben El-Wardany (JBI) forfeit ; 220 Andrew Anglace (P) pin Shayne Ortiz (JBI) 0:41; 285 Louis Lucatino (P) forfeit ; 106 Luigi Catterino (JBI) forfeit ; 113 Cameron Hirsch (JBI) dec. Chris Gilbertie (P) 10-6 ; 120 Tom Licamele (JBI) pin Andrew Carter (P) 0:22 ; 126 John Guimares (JBI) pin Nickolas Korzan (P) 3:41 ; 132 Kyle Sheehan (P) pin Alex Klein Wassink (JBI) 3:51 
Other results: 138 Xavier Powell (Watertown) pin Gab Ortiz (JBI) 3:20 
Records: Pomperaug 4-4, Joel Barlow/Immaculate 2-1

Terryville 72, Thomaston/Holy Cross/Litchfield 12
At Plymouth
170 Pat Chesanek (Thomaston) forfeit; 182 Bailey McCann (Tv) pinned Preston Ross 1:28; 195 Josh Wright (Tv) pin Grayson Henderson 2:28; 220 Albert Nieves (Thomaston) forfeit; 285 Jason Hume (Tv) pin Phil Serva 3:14; 106 Cayleb Leclerc (TV) forfeit; 113 Tim Armstrong (TV) forfeit; 120 Josh Anderson (TV) pin Nick Pietrazio 3:59; 126 Jake Borda (Tv) pin Dustin Lee 1:26; 132 Jarrod Ashe (TV) forfeit; 138 Jake Cotton (TV) forfeit; 145 Canaan Cossu-Fredericks (TV) forfeit; 152 Will Stone (TV) forfeit; 160 Sean Ryan (TV) forfeit

Terryville 45, Morgan 21
At Plymouth
182 Bailey McCann (T) forfeit; 195 Josh Wright (T) dec. Ivan Villanueva 3-2; 220 Double FFT; 285 Austin Dailey (M) dec. Jay Hume 4-1; 106 Cayleb Leclerc (T) forfeit; 113 Nhu Le (M) pin Tim Armstrong 1:02; 120 Trevor Follo (M) pin Josh Anderson 2:58; 126 Sam Ridgeway (T) forfeit; 132 Jake Borda (T) forfeit; 138 Jarrod Ashe (T) pin Fran Jara-Torres 3:11; 145 Anthony Smith (M) pin Jake Cotton 4:39; 152 Canaan Cossu-Fredericks (T) pin Brendan Smith 1:02; 160 Sean Ryan (T) forfeit; 170 Double forfeit

Guilford 43 East Haven 30
At Guilford 
120 Keldon LaRose (G) pin Joe Milano (EH), 4:59; 126 Alex Tapia (EH) pin George Sanderlin (G), 3:00; 132 Vinny Mascola (G) Dec Nick DeMorro (EH), 6-5; 138 Joey Santino (G) pin Conor Gontarz (EH), 3:28; 145 Christion Swan (G) pin Vincent Franco (EH), 4:38; 152 Carter Cox (G) dec Danny Jarrin (EH), 10-2; 160 MaKayd LaRose (G) pin Joncario Alberino (EH), 1:21; 170 AJ Moscato (G) pin Sebastian Montoya (EH), 1:19; 182 Charlie Andrus (G) dec Damien Benway (EH), 2-; 195 Josh Rao (EH) forfeit; 220 Jack Six (G) dec Justin Fonacier (EH), 5-1; 285 Brandon Duryea (EH) pin Jeffery Falcone (G), 1:35; 106 Victor Garcia (EH) pin Michael Walters (G), 1:40; 113 Antonio Lieto (EH) pin Mark Salib (G), 4:00
Records: Guilford 10-1

Northwestern 54, Derby 24
At Derby
103 Aidean Bannerman (NW) pin Chris Soto (D) 1:03; 113 Angelo Folino (NW) pin Adyeat Masiat (D) 1:54; 120 Jordan Stefancin (D) dec Chase Sanden (NW) 7-3; 126 Jake Ferguson (D) pin L. Schwarta (NW) 1:12; 132 Chris Oliwa (D) forfeit; 138 Gavin Duncan (NW) forfeit; 145 Liam Smith (NW) pin Alex Vasquez (D) 3:!3; 152 James Guion (NW) pin Josh Dana (D) 3:47; 160 Joshua Schwartz (NW) pin Nate Bartone (D) 2:13; 170 Thomas Mierzwa (NW) forfeit; 182 Mike Swzaja (D) dec Caleb Boucher (NW) 7-0; 195 Tyler Kreh (NW) forfeit; 220 Gabriel Schwartz (NW) pin Matt Oliwa (D) 2:00; 285 Anthony Slowik (D) forfeit
Other matches: 170 Jayvaun Branch (Seymour) pin Jacob Trombly (NW) 1:46
Records: Northwestern 3-3

Greenwich 34, New Canaan 31
At New Canaan
106 Nick Khzouz (NC) pin ChrisMagliocco (GR) 1:44; 113 Mitchell Grimes (GR) forfeit; 120 Dylan Ehret (GR) dec. Luigi DeRubeis (NC) 16 6; 126 Tyler Sung (NC) pin Christian Stanback (GR) 0:30; 132 Kevin Jewell (GR) dec. Tripp Ferguson (NC) 8-6; 138 Nate Sibbett (NC) dec. Nicholas Frayter (GR) 10-2; 145 Corban Basile (NC) dec. Aly Ibrahim (GR) 6-2; 152 Christian Sibbett (NC) dec. Jack Barter (GR) 8-1; 160 Mike Ceci (GR) pin Evan Reilly (NC) 1:05; 170 Jackson Blanchard (GR) pin Sergiy Babenkov (NC) 3:59; 182 Andrew Nanai (GR) dec. Kieran Buck (NC) 6 0; 195 Alexander Nanai (GR) pin Ryan Russo (NC) 5:40; 220 Nick Kortman (NC) dec. Peyton Larkin (GR) 1-0; 285 Jack Stewart (NC) pin Emilio Garcia (GR) 1:59
Records: New Canaan 2-2

Trumbull 58, Staples 15
At Westport
285-George Harrington(S) pin Jared Platt 1:44; 106- Jack Ryan (T) pin Terrence Brannigan 3:08; 113-Matt Ryan (T) pin Aaron Gold 1:37; 120-Garrett Sollenberger (T) pin Dylan Marone 1:29; 126-Tristan Haviland (T) pin Daniel Boccardo 0:36; 132-Alex Greco (T) pin Nicholas DiMasi 3:06; 138-Adam Giammattei (T) pin Luke Molina 1:06; 145-Mike Mirmina (T) pin John-Carter Montoni 0:27; 152-Brian Wallace (T) dec. Dominic Arciola 10-0; 160-Michael Greco (T) pin Jacob Qiu 1:09; 170-Kieran Clarke(S) pin Eric Bellofiore 0:59; 182-Brett Nutter (T) dec. Ryan Mahoney 5-1; 195-Colin Hunter(S) dec. Joe Palmieri 5-1; 220-Michael Maresca (T) dec. Charles Overton 6-3
Records: Trumbull 9-0

Rocky Hill 48, Nonnewaug 36
At Woodbury
106: Kelvin Cenkolli (N) pin Nicholas Faraci, 3:00; 113: Mohamed Bilal (RH) pin Benjamin Niez-Charest, 0:41; 120: Josh Loza (RH) forfeit; 126: Hunter Poliain (RH) forfeit; 132: Mason Abraham (N) pin Alex Desrche, 4:00; 138: Justin Noel (N) pin Bailey Baldwin, 2:00; 145: Joseph Ferreira (RH) pin Jack Cronin; 152: Nickolas Sordi (N) pin Conner Charamut, 2:00; 160: Brandon Pastula (RH) pin Connor Vincent, 2:00; 170: Flori Cenkolli (N) forfeit; 182: Nathan Doll (RH) pin Mike Keenan; 195: Steve Grudzien (N) pin Ryan Pierre; 220: Nathanial Forrest (RH) forfeit; 285: Thoma Dimatteo (RH) forfeit

St. Paul 34, Oxford 33, criteria
At Bristol
195: Angelo Martino (O) pin Patrick George, 1:08; 220: Matt Gray (SP) forfeit; 285: Joshua Goodart (O) pin Kevin Charles, 2:55; 106: double forfeit; 113: Adam Ward (SP) dec. Liam Kaine, 9-7; 120: Victor Tu (SP) pin Luis Leon Jr., 4:08; 126: Ryan Dexter (O) dec. William Konikowski, 6-2; 132: Elliot Garcia (SP) dec. Toby Lindner, 5-0; 138: Tucker Raymond (SP) pin Ryan Herold, 3:19; 145: Johann Strasser (SP) dec. Samuel Martino, 8-3; 152: Daniel Herold (O) pin Atem Caron, 0:55; 160: Griffin Downs (O) pin Matt Spar, 0:47; 170: Connor McDonnell (O) forfeit; 182: Jordan Silva (SP) pin Dylan Mavricz, 3:49.
NOTE: St. Paul won on criteria, most matches won, 7-6

New Fairfield 61, Weston 18
At New Fairfield
106: Ashton Capichiano (NF) pin Jack Tunney, 0:36; 113: Hunter Chin (NF) forfeit; 120: Liam Goudie (NF) dec.Tony Fontana, 2-1; 126: Braden Reilly (NF) pin Andrew Prackup, 1:09; 132: Jason Vitrit (NF) pin Jake Cavicchia, 1:19; 138: Jake Costanzo (NF) pin Seth Papay, 1:54; 145: Avery Shay (NF) pin Jack Braden, 1:37; 152: Jackson Quist (Weston) pin Marc Jonas, 5:53; 160: Dan Gioia (NF) pin Luke McNally, :03; 170: Aaron Mullally (NF) dec. Leif Kronberg, 13-2; 182: Billy Magrino (NF) pin Jackson Aguas, 3:01; 195: Camille Fontana (Weston) pin Tyler King, 4:46; 220: Shane Mallory (NF) vs. Michael Otworth (Weston) ; 285: Omar Castellanos (NF) forfeit

Suffield 39, Somers 21
At Suffield
106-Michael Dalessio (Som) pin Jackson Smith 0:32; 113-Madison D’Ostuni (Suf) forfeit; 120-Dylan Washburn (Suf) dec Scott Gamble 4-1; 126-Matthew Raine (Suf) pin Richard Vivilecchia 0:59; 132-Joe Nieroda (Suf) pin Christian Banning 0:36; 138-Double forfeit; 145-Hunter Adams (Suf) pin Colby Berry 3:51; 152-Jeff Suschana (Som) dec John Nieroda 8-2; 160-Michael Maloney (Som) pin Henry Mayne 2:55; 170-Kaylib LeBlanc (Suf) forfeit; 182-Joe Tellier (Suf) forfeit; 195-Double forfeit; 220-Double forfeit; 285-Richard McDonnell (Som) forfeit
Record: Somers 1-7

Westhill 45, Wilton 27
At Wilton
106 Travis Longo (Wilt) dec. Chase Parott, 6-2; 113 Kyle Hammett (WH) dec.Finn McGovern, 7-3; 120 Tom Mazur (WH) pin Caleb Forland, 1:56; 126 Alex Edwards (WH) dec. Sabrina Hartz, 6-2; 132 Nick Rende (Wilt) dec. Andrew Blum, 6-0; 138 Brenden Cuejin (WH) forfeit; 145 Denver Dorseinvil (WH) pin Greyson Kennedy, 4:16; 152 John Edwards (WH) forfeit; 160 Jorden Goins (WH) dec. Jacob Robb, 7-2; 170 Zach Zeyher (WH) forfeit; 182 Griffin Morris (Wilt) pin Cole Bautiste, 1:28; 195 Ethan Helman (Wilt) forfeit; 220 Dillan Gonzalez (WH) pin Tyler Previte, 3:02; 285 Christian Dier (WH) pin Ciaran Smith, 0:49
Records: Westhill 10-1

Montville 60, Lyman-Windham Tech 15
At Montville
120: Jayden Colon (M) pin Aeden McCompiskey, 1:22; 126: Noah Caskey (M) pin Jack Archer, 3:57; 132: Joel Morth (M) pin Jared Swett, 2:08; 138: Ezra Spreng (M) dec. Caleb Delaney, 10-4; 145: Sam Kury (M) pin Ryan Powers, :22; 152: Cole Davidson (LWT) pin Sean Murallo, 5:38; 160: Zackarie Navarrette (M) pin Stephen Varnum, 5:18; 170: Caleb Forehand (M) pin Gabe Samaha, :54; 182: Emanuel Diaz (M) dec. Mason LaFlam, 2-1; 195: Joe Reihl (LWT) forfeit; 220: David Verizzi (LWT) dec. Nick Tibbetts, 7-2; 285: Derrick Deaveau (M) forfeit; 106: Tyler Velasquez (M) pin Daisey Lemaine, 3:01; 113: Jack Varley (M) pin Levi Franson, 2:29.

Ellis Tech 71, Portland 12
At Portland
106: Gavin Rickaby (ET) pin Nic Kelly, 1:08; 113: Robert Gatzke (ET) forfeit; 120: Sean Johnson (ET) tech fall Richard Lawton, 4:25; 126: Anthony Devanney (ET) pin Stephen Eiss, 0:52; 132: Javier Mercado (P) pin Logan Gustafson, 1:13; 138: Cole Blair (ET) forfeit; 145: Camron Louis (ET) forfeit; 152: James Roberts (ET) forfeit; 160 Jared Rufo (ET) pin Anthony Aresco, 1:14; 171: Adam Vear (ET) forfeit; 182: Austin Rambrose (P) pin Jacob Rondeau, 1:02; 195: Josh Wojick (ET) forfeit; 220: Gavin Thuotte (ET) forfeit; 285: Hayden Minski (ET) forfeit.

NFA 54 Bacon Academy 27
At Colchester
106: Garrett Kallen (NFA) pin Jared Evans, 4:40; 113: Andy Ng (NFA) forfeit; 120: Brandon Nieto (NFA) pin Nick Tartsinis, 2:38; 126: Tim Lee (NFA) forfeit; 132: Dan Komoroski (BA) forfeit; 138: Alec Olsen (NFA) pin Chris Ciarcia, 2:48; 145: Reynaldo Valenzuela (BA) pin Max Charles, 3:40; 152: Leo Amaro (BA) dec. Eric Plainbull, 7-3; 160: Jack Morse (NFA) forfeit; 172: Mason McMahon (NFA) pin Matt Clark, :52; 182: Damon Burger (BA) pin Marc Thelusma, 4:16; 190: Cameron Snodgrass (NFA) pin Matthew Oliver, 1:26; 220: Lance Eastman (NFA) forfeit; 285: Ioannis Valkanos (BA) pin Austin Formby, 3:20.

New London 47, Fitch 30
At Groton
138: Hidalgo (NL) pin Aldinger, 1:07; 145: McDonald (F) pin Powell, 1:42; 152: Lozada (NL) pin Trento, 3:13; 160: Commander (NL) tech. fall Letellier, 17-2; 170: Veras (NL) forfeit; 182: Roman (NL) dec. Koehler, 7-4; 195: Grover (F) pin Kimball 3:34; 220: Michel (NL) forfeit; 285: Cornish (NL) dec. Berardi, 5-4 (OT); 106: Hiram (NL) pin Brown, :29; 113: Grossman (F) forfeit; 120: Kosman (F) forfeit; 126: Moore (F) pin Boozer, 1:18; 132: Garcia (NL) pin Lambert, 1:14.

Hand 54, Amity 12
At Madison
106 Davern (H) dec Chadwick 4-3; 113 Herbert (A) dec Brochard 7-4; 120 Hartman (H) pin Johnson 3:37; 126 Fucci (A) dec Sobran 10-4; 132 Rothman (A) dec Puricelli 4-3; 138 Jensen (H) forfeit; 145 Wilson (H) forfeit;; 152 Liu (H) pin Castro 4:41; 160 Hendrick (H) pin Seaton 3:49; 170 Morrisey (A) dec Kuperstein 9-3; 182 Dube (H) forfeit;; 195 Docker (H) dec Lottik 13-6; 220 Westphal (H) pin Ioffe 2:43; 285 Burchell (H) pin Griffin 1:14.

Tuesday, January 3
Manchester 48, Enfield 30
South Windsor 51, East Catholic 24

Manchester 48, Enfield 30
At Enfield
106 Connor Belanger(E) forfeit; 113 Elijia Hall(M) pin Justin Beiler 2:44; 120 Justin Ortiz(M) pin Shawn Keeler 1:12; 126 Kesean Mason(E) forfeit; 132 Shamar Schand(M) pin Brett Castle 3:41; 138 Sam Lubus(E) dec Traivan Nieves 8-2; 145 Jasen Gonzalez (M) forfeit; 152 Arfan Ali(M) pin Hunter Phimvongra 1:45; 160 Trent Hasemaan(M) pin Nolan Wyse 1:52; 170 Rafia Conway(M) pin Greg Bogdan 1:48; 182 Nate Chesworth(E) pin Kaleb Zimmerman 3:10; 195 Nick Miller(E) dec Nathan Keegan 5-4; 220 Andrew Diaz(E) forfeit; 285 Nick Haviland(M) forfeit
Records: Manchester 5-3, Enfield 1-7

Saturday, January 7
Once again, Warde wins own tournament
No. 5 Fairfield Warde had four individual champions and seven finalists as they beat Shelton by 19½ points to win the eighth annual Warde Invitational for the seventh time. Alex Steele (132), outstanding wrestler Tim Kane (138) and Joe Gjinaj (182) won titles for the Mustangs. Shelton had four finalists and two champions. The Gaels were a last-minute entry after their scheduled event, the Masuk Duals, was cancelled on Friday afternoon. … Danbury’s Jakob Camacho (120) and Andrew Marquis (220) won championships while Ryan Jack (106), Ben LeBlanc (113) and Shawn Williams (132) earned spots in the finals as the No. 1 Hatters finished second at the Spartan Classic behind Timberlane, N.H., in Sanford, Maine. Danbury had four wrestlers finish third. No. 7 Xavier finished fifth with two individual champions – Ronan Marino (106) and Ryan Devivo (160). Marino beat Jack in the final with a 1-0 victory at 106. … No. 8 Windham had three individual champions and five finalists to win the Greater Hartford Invitational for the firt time with a 151-128.5 win over East Hartford. Only nine teams competed due to the snow. ... No. 2 New Milford (8-0) won three matches at the West Side Duals in West Springfield with victories over Springfield Central, ranked No. 3 in Massachusetts, 35-27, and West Springfield, Mass., 47-19. ...In Woodbury, New Canaan had three individual champions and five finalists to win a snow-shortened Lawless Invitational for the first time since 2010. Due to the snow, the tournament wasn’t able to complete consolation round action in 12 of the 14 weight classes. Derby had two individual champions. ...  Notre Dame-West Haven won two bouts with victories over East Windsor and Bacon Academy. … The 35th annual Bristol Central Invitational was postponed by the snowy weather to Monday, January 16 on Martin Luther King Day.

Wednesday, January 4
Windham tops Waterford 
for 65th straight win
No. 8 Windham (11-0) extended its school record win streak to 65 consecutive matches with a 67-11 win over Waterford. The Whippets haven’t lost a dual meet since February 2014. It is now the second longest win streak in state history. Only Danbury (96) won more from 1996 through 2001 … After Joel Barlow/Immaculate scored 24 consecutive points with three pins and a forfeit to take a three-point lead, Pomperaug’s Kyle Sheehan (132) won by pin in the final match to lift the Panthers to a 42-39 victory over Joel Barlow/Immaculate. … Top-ranked Danbury (6-0) had seven pins in a 68-12 FCIAC win over Fairfield Ludlowe … No. 10 Ledyard had three pins and a forfeit while Killingly had just one pin as the Colonels improved to 10-2 with a 38-22 decision over Killingly …. Guilford (10-1) had five pins as they beat East Haven, 43-30, for their tenth win of the season. … Bristol Central won, 42-39, to hand Conard (6-1) their first loss of the season. … Foran (10-2) won the first five bouts by pin to grab a quick 30-point lead and prevailed in the battle of Milford with a 47-27 over cross-town rival Jonathan Law… Platt improved to 15-1 with a 45-28 victory over Berlin… Trumbull (9-0) remained undefeated with a 58-15 victory over Staples … Middletown (6-3) rebounded with a 54-28 decision over Maloney. … Westhill (10-1) earned their 10th win with a 45-27 win on the road over Weston. 

Monday, January 2
Eastern moves up to No. 2, its highest ranking in years
Bristol Eastern is ranked No. 2 in the latest state coaches poll – its highest ranking in this century. The Lancers (7-0) moved up three spots to No. 2. Danbury (5-0) remains the No. 1 team in the state with all 15 first place votes. It’s the highest ranking for Eastern since they were ranked No. 4 on January 27, 2014. Southington, who finished second behind Mt. Anthony, Vt., at their own Connecticut Duals on Saturday, made their top 10 debut this season at No. 9. Ellis Tech, who finished third among eight teams at the KSA Duals in Orlando, slipped out of the top 10.

Jack wins Midlands title with tight victories
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 30 -- Danbury’s Kevin Jack, a junior at North Carolina State, won the 141 pound weight class at the prestigious Midlands Championship Friday night with a 1-0 victory over No. 3 Matthew Kolodzik of Princeton. Jack, who has won 18 straight dual meet bouts, went 5-0 in the tournament and beat two wrestlers ranked in the top 10.

Ranked No. 5 in the nation, Jack (20-1) beat No. 6 Anthony Ashnault in the semifinals, 3-2.
After winning three matches on Thursday, Jack's semifinal bout against Ashnault ended on a penalty call. The match was tied 2-2 when the horn sounded at the end of the third period. But the refs went to a video review and called Ashnault for unnecessary roughness when he slapped Jack in the head with just one second left. The call gave Jack a penalty point, and the 3-2 victory. 

In the finals, Jack faced the top seed, Kolodzik. After a scoreless first period, Jack started the second on top and rode Kolodzik the entire second period. To start the third, Jack was on bottom, and Kolodzik worked ride time down from two minutes to under a minute, but Jack scored an escape with about 30 seconds left for the bout's only point. Jack is just the third Wolfpack wrestler to win a Midlands championship. It was the 54th annual event which began in 1963.
Stamford Advocate, Jan. 8: Fairfield Warde holds latecomer Shelton to win Warde Invitational for seventh time

Meriden Record Journal, Jan. 5: Platt wins 15th match of the season with win over Berlin

Norwich Bulletin, Jan. 5: Montville has little trouble with Lyman Memorial/Windham Tech

New Canaan Advertiser, Jan. 5: Greenwich slips past New Canaan

Bristol Press, Jan. 5: No. 2 Eastern easily takes care of Plainville

Saturday, January 7
Notre Dame-WH 52, Bacon Academy 16
Notre Dame-WH 45, East Windsor 36
East Windsor 60, Bacon Academy 12
* * * *
Killingly 81, Rockville 0
Killingly 56, New Britain 18
New Britain 42, Rockville 24
* * * *
Ellis Tech 60, Manchester 20
Ellis Tech 56, Conard 23
Ellis Tech 51, South Windsor 18
Conard vs. Manchester
Conard vs. South Windsor
South Windsor vs. Manchester
* * * *
West Side Duals
At Springfield Central
New Milford 72, Shepard Hill, MA 12
New Milford 35, Springfield Central 27
New Milford 47, West Springfield 27
* * * *
St. Paul, Waterford, New Haven, Foran, Stratford at East Haven, cancelled, snow
Enfield, Staples at Bunnell, cancelled, snow
Norwich Free Academy at Manchester, cancelled
Bethel, Seymour, Amity at Darien

Bristol Central Invitational: Ledyard, New Fairfield, Avon, Terryville, Pomperaug, Glastonbury, Plainville, Jonathan Law, Bristol Central, Bristol Eastern, Enfield at Bristol Central ppd. to Monday, January 16
Somers Mid-Season Duals: Griswold, Woodstock Academy, Coventry, Thomaston/Litchfield/Holy Cross at Somers, cancelled
Greenwich at Shoreline Tournament New Rochelle, NY
Haddam Killingworth, New London at Chad Antoch Memorial Tournament (Westerly RI), ppd. TBA
Lyman Memorial/Windham Tech at Mt. Anthony (VT) tournament (Bennington VT)

Warde Invitational
At Fairfield
Team results – 1. Fairfield Warde 201, 2. Shelton 181½, 3. Middletown 161, 4. Westhill 154½,5. Brien McMahon 109, 6. Northwestern 104½, 7. Wilton 95, 8. Simsbury 88, 9. Staples 81, 10. Fairfield Prep 66, 11. Stamford 59, 12. Notre Dame-Fairfield 4, 13. Fairfield Ludlowe 53, 14. Warde B 21, 15. Houstatonic 10.
Individual results
106 – Travis Longo, Wilton dec. Chase Parrot, Westhill, 11-5; 3. Steve Reyes, Shelton dec. Everett Nash, Ludlowe, 7-0
113 – Angelo Folino, Northwestern dec. Cole Shaughnessy, Warde, 5-0; 3. Finn McGovern, Wilton dec. T.J. Pawlak, Middletown, 9-2
120 – Chandler Duhaime, Shelton dec. Noah Zuckerman, Warde, 6-4; 3. Tommy Mazor, Westhill dec. Kasim Khan, Fairfield, 3-1
126 – Nick Rende, Wilton dec. Noah Slyvester, Middletown, 8-0; 3. Nate Reyes, Shelton win by default over Kevin Zentner, Fairfield Prep
132 – Alex Steele, Warde dec. Gary Mendez, Stamford, 15-1; 3. Nico Gonzalez, Brien McMahon dec. Tino Putz, Middletown, 6-4
138 – Tim Kane, Warde dec. Josh Kowalski, Simsbury, 13-1; 3. Brandon Chejin, Westhill dec. Alex Ercoloni, Shelton 10-3
145 – Liam Smith, Northwestern dec. Denver Dorsainvil, Westhill, 9-7; 3. Jason Martinez, McMahon dec. Julius Page, Stamford, 8-0
152 – Tom Gatti, Middletown dec. Izaake Zuckerman, Warde, 7-5; 3. Joshua Schwartz, Northwestern, pin Dominic Arciola, Staples, 0:30
160 – Del Sloan, Shelton pin Jakari Walker, ND-Fairfield, 4:28; 3. Jordan Goins, Westhill pin Felipe Silva, McMahon, 3:19
170 – Kiernan Clarke, Staples pin Matheus Ribeiro, Warde, 5:31; 3. Zach Zeyher, Wilton dec. Jeff Capone, McMahon, 4-0
182 – Joe Gjinaj, Warde dec. Colin Scanlon, Shelton, 6-2; 3. Nick Guglietii, Simsbury pin Ryan Mahoney, Staples, 4:45
195 – Gabriel Schwartz, Northwestern pin Clyde Aruba, ND-Fairfield, 3:13; 3. Ray Weiner, Shelton dec. Matt Cuoco, Warde, 2-1
220 – Dillian Gonzalez, Westhill pin Rob O’Brien, Shelton, 3:05; 3. James Johnson, Middletown pin Carlos Chacua, McMahon, 1:49
285 – Jasper Stone, Simsbury dec. Max Cyr, Middletown, 6-4; 3. Dave Brown, Shelton dec. Christian Bier, Westhill, 4-0
Outstanding wrestler: Tim Kane, Fairfield Warde
BRACKETS: 2017 Warde Invitational

Greater Hartford Open
At Hall High School, West Hartford
Team results: 1. Windham High, 151; 2. East Hartford, 128½; 3. Hall, 99; 4. Wethersfield, 92½; 5. Granby, 87½; 6. East Catholic, 72½; 7. Suffield, 62.5; 8. Jonathan Law, 54; 9. Newington, 28
Individual results
Due to snow, consolation round bouts were not able to be completed.
106: Lowayne Harris, East Hartford dec. Jacob Muarselli, East Catholic, 7-2
113: Alejandro Garcia, Windham pin Troy Anderson, Law, 0:38
120: Hunter Flemming, Granby dec. Kevin Fantoli, Windham, 15-0
126: Tim Roberts, East Hartford pin Christian Lund, Hall, 3:16
132: Enrique Flores, Wethersfield dec. Chantz Stultz, Windham, 9-2
138: Hunter Adams, Suffield pin Michael Bolorin, Wethersfield, 0:57
145: Cooper Fleming, Granby dec. John Nieroda, Suffield, 7-0
152: Luis Torres, Windham dec. William Hauser, Granby, 16-6
160: Brad Currier, Hall dec. Victor Garcia, Windham, 13-4
182: Hugh Wells, Hall pin Alex Bielak, Wethersfield, 3:09
195: Franky Jiminian, East Hartford pin Justin Searls, Hall, 1:44
220: Isaiah Jiminian, East Hartford pin Tommy Drake, Wethersfield, 1:48
285: Jadan Malave, Windham pin Mahmet Kaya, Hall, 0:17
BRACKETS: 2017 Greater Hartford Open

Lawless Invitational
At Woodbury (Nonnewaug)
Team results – 1. New Canaan 137½, 2. Ridgefield 115, 3. Debry 93½, 4. Oxford 91, 5. Agawam, MA 85, 6. Nonnewaug 82½, 7. Canton 75, 8. Longmeadow MA 51, 9. Agawam B 28, 10. Derby B 13, 11. New Canaan B 7, 12. Seymour 0
Individual results
Due to snow, consolation round bouts in 12 of 14 weight classes were not able to be completed.
106: Ben Smart, Ridgefield pin Nick Khzouz, New Canaan, 2:33; 3. Kevin Cenkolli, Nonnewaug dec. Jack Freedenberg, Canton, 8-7
113: Donovan Macklin, Canton pin Liam Crane, Oxford, 0:25
120: Jordan Stefancin, Derby dec. Luigi DeRubeis, New Canaan, 9-4
126: Tyler Sung, New Canaan dec. David Dabowski, Nonnewaug, 15-0
132: Peter Murray, Ridgefield dec. Chris Oliwa, Derby, 9-2
138: Nate Sibbett, New Canaan dec. Jared Donnelly, Ridgefield, 5-2
145: Simon Preston, Ridgefield pin Harrison Mendrala, Agawam MA, 2:51
152: Dan Herold, Oxford dec. Nick Sordi, Nonnewaug, 4-2
160: Dom Leadeaux, Agawam MA dec. Tom Carracciolo, Agawam MA B, 10-8
170: Flori Cenkolli, Nonnewaug pin Connor McDonnell, Oxford, 1:36
182: Mike Szwaja, Derby dec. Brayon Fluckiger, Canton, 13-2
195: Spencer Kozlak, Agawam, MA dec. Ryan Russo, New Canaan, 6-3
220: Nick Kortman, New Canaan pin Matt Oliwa, Derby, 1:10
285: Lachlan Berry, Longmeadow MA dec. Andrew Garcia, Derby, 12-6; 3. Anthony Slowik, Derby dec. Jerry LeFave, Canton, 0:55
BRACKETS: 2016 Lawless Invitational

Spartan Classic
At Sanford, Maine
Top 10 team results – 1. Timberlane NH 321, 2. Danbury 220, 3. Marshwood ME 188, 4. Cumberland RI 158½, 5. Xavier 150½, 6. Camden Hills 92, 7. Massabesic 91, 8. Mountain Valley 89½, 9. Sanford ME 82, 10. Belfast ME 80. 18 teams in the tournament.  
Individual results
106 lb. Ronan Marino (Xavier) dec. Ryan Jack (Danbury) 1-0; 3. Barret Kappler (Timberlane) pin Nick Roeger (Timberlane B) 2:56
113 lb. Leo Amabile (Massabesic) pin Ben Leblanc (Danbury) 6:53 (OT); 3. Taylor Donovan (Timberlane) pin Liam Coomey (Marshwood) 1:35
120 lb. Jakob Camacho (Danbury) tech fall Dylan Musgrave (Timberlane) 23-8; 3. James Lunt (Xavier) dec. Josh Wheeler (North Providence) 13-2
126 lb. Connor McGonagle (Timberlane) dec. Caleb Austin (Mountain Valley) 11-1; 3. Kyle Fields (Danbury) dec. Antonio Pallaria (Timberlane B) 6-1; 5. 126 lb. Matt Leroux (Xavier) dec. Tyler Fitz (Bonny Eagle) 11-0
132 lb. Noah Lang (Camden Hills) pin Shaun Williams (Danbury) 1:39; 3. Robbie Pinault (Timberlane) dec. Chase Curry (Belfast) 5-2
138 lb. Brad Beaulieu (Marshwood) dec. Cody Lewis (Timberlane) 6-0; 3. Grant Barber (Xavier) dec. Josiah Garcia (Biddeford) 3-1.
145 lb. Justin Berube (Timberlane) dec. Eddie DeRoche (Mountain Valley) 5-3; 3. AJ Kovacs (Danbury) dec. Jeremy Sendrowski (Scarborough) 10-2; 5. Jake Holland (Xavier) dec. Kaden Harrison-Billiat (Camden Hills) 15-7
152 lb. Matt Caverly (Marshwood) dec. Noah Tougas (Cumberland) 14-7; 3. Brandon Berube (Timberlane) dec. Cody Mains (Bonny Eagle) 5-3; 5. Mathew Pooler (Massabesic) dec. Dylan Sousa (Xavier) 18-11
160 lb. Ryan Devivo (Xavier) pin Sam Anderson (Sanford) 3:40; 3. Zack Elowitch (Portland) dec. Malik Sangare (Cumberland) 8-1; 5. Gino Baratta (Danbury) pin Dylan Hughes (Timberlane) 2:48
170 lb. Dylan Tremblay (Timberlane) dec. John Hayes (Cumberland) 7-0; 3. Dylan Strong (Marshwood) pin Alex Vokey (Camden Hills) 3:56
182 lb. Steven Blaisdell (Timberlane) pin Jacob Waterman (Belfast) 2:43; 3. Jake Constantine (Danbury) dec. Austin Locke (Marshwood) 4-3
195 lb. Jacob Post (Timberlane) def. Noah Schneider (Massabesic) injury default; 3. James Thompson (Marshwood) dec. Kaream Sangare (Cumberland) 2-0
220 lb. Andrew Marquis (Danbury) pin Ryan Cole (Timberlane) 1:59; 3. Mathew Carroll (Massabesic) pin Nick Works (Sanford) 3:58
285 lb. Aaron Wilcox (Cumberland) dec. Noah Beaulieu (Timberlane) 4-1; 3. Michael Gaboardi (Danbury) pin Zach Eastman (Marshwood) 1:54
BRACKETS: 2016 Spartan Classic